Indoor Gardens Need Grow Room Ventilation



If you are gardening indoors, you know that your plants need water, food and light to flourish. Because sunlight is not available indoors, indoor gardeners have to provide a light source for their plants and they do this with grow lights. If you are using HID lights, or high intensity discharge lights, one of the side effects that you will notice is that the light bulbs will heat up with use. If you have several grow lights in your indoor garden, as would commonly be found in a greenhouse setting, all of those lights are creating a tremendous amount of heat. While some heat is good for plants, an excess of heat can kill them very rapidly, and so greenhouse growers and other indoor gardeners will need some type of grow room ventilation system, so the excess heat is exhausted outside.

A key component in any grow room ventilation setup are the grow room fans. Fantech Fans is a top manufacturer of grow room fans, and they offer several popular models, including duct fans and inline fans. fantech fans are made from galvanized steel and come with ball bearings that are permanently sealed. You can fully control the speed, and they make the connection easy for you because the wiring on their grow room fans is external. The grow room fans come in six-inch, eight-inch, ten- and twelve-inch sizes, and a speed control unit is also available.

In addition to grow room fans, there are other parts that you will need to complete your grow room ventilation setup. While the fans are used to move the air around the greenhouse, you will also need a couple of exhaust fans to enable your grow room ventilation to remove stale air from indoors to outdoors. Duct pipe is also used to move air where you want it to go, and this comes in flexible varieties so that it is easy to work with.

Because you are watering plants in an indoor environment, often on impermeable surfaces, plants can also be exposed to too much moisture in an indoor gardening setting. This is not good, because plants can develop fungal diseases if they are exposed to too much water in the atmosphere for an extended period of time. Your grow room ventilation will help to keep good air circulation in the gardening room, so that the water does not have time to sit on the plants’ leaves for long, thereby helping to prevent these types of plant problems.

You can learn more about ventilation systems for grow rooms by visiting an online discount gardening supplier.